Precision Casting of Tennessee engineers have a maritime overcoming the challenges of fabricating shipbuilding castings. We continually craft innovative casting techniques that go beyond the shipbuilding industry standard for corrosion resistance and ductility.
PCT investment castings can be found across the seven seas in naval warships, cruise ships, yachts, nuclear ships, and hovercrafts. We can easily meet the most stringent commercial, industrial, and governmental shipbuilding
tolerances. Our design team specializes in finding weight reduction opportunities when casting military shipbuilding steel parts.
Shipbuilding Design Flexibility
Shipbuilding component can be cast in any combination of alloys. We currently stock stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, alloy steel, bronze, copper, and exotic alloys in various grades. From simple to complex parts, we can convert existing multi-part assemblies to single-piece investment castings. Conversion eliminates weldments, dimensional inaccuracies, and directional stresses that could potentially compromise structural integrity.
We offer a number of secondary machining services to further expand the mechanical properties of metal used in ship construction. Our in-house heat treating, surface finishing, plating & painting, and metallurgical testing services are at your disposal.